Donate Today:

Support Angels R Watching with Amazon Smile
When you select Angels R Watching as your charity, Amazon makes a contribution to Angels R Watching. You can even directly donate specifically marked items on Amazon. For more information, click here.

Angels R Watching also accepts online donations through PayPal
Donate today to make a difference in the life of a child by ensuring they have all the tools and supplies they need to study hard and be successful in school.
Click here to donate today via PayPal.

Visit Seasons of Sisterhood to support Angels R Watching
For every purchase made on Amazon and Apple through the Seasons of Sisterhood website, a portion is donated to the foundation. Click here to visit the site and donate today.

To discuss other donation options such as hosting your own supply drive, please contact the Angels R Watching Foundation Director, Teri Cardamone Shake at, or at 708-990-7284.

Angels R Watching Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Your generous contributions are tax deductible.